Talk of Tariffs
Here at Colorado Safety Supply Company, we are quite sure you are aware that new tariffs have been imposed on all products coming into the US, including safety equipment, and many of our manufacturing suppliers will be affected. We are also sure you are aware that these tariff increases can vary greatly from one manufacturer to another, as well as one product to another, and that some of these costs may transfer to you as well.
As your primary resource for all things safety, we would like to assure you that it is
OUR JOB to do the price comparison and shopping around for you among our many manufacturers.
Fall-protection, our specialty gear, is mostly manufactured in the US, and therefore not much affected by these tariffs. Our other safety manufacturers are doing their best to absorb as many of these increases as possible through a variety of methods, including moving production out of China and postponing price increases. Many companies are updating their price lists and sending them to us on a daily basis with a variety of effective dates.
Let's schedule a time for us to come out to your offices or job site, and we will assess your current needs and the best, most cost-effective way we can to suit your current needs. Our goal is to save you money without sacrificing quality. You have many choices for your safety gear suppliers, and we'd like to make sure we are offering you the best for less.
Call us at 303-537-5832.

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