Estimated Course Lenth: 8 Hour
Course Description: Confined space training is required for any employee entering a confined space as defined by 29 CFR 1926, Subpart AA. Utilizing an interactive classroom experience and hands on learning our training will educate confined space entrants, attendants, and supervisors on the fundamentals of confined spaces. This training is recommended initially for employees who will be working in confined spaces, annually, and any time there is a significant change in the work environment or equipment being used.
Confined Space Training Learning Outcomes:
- Review of Applicable Confined Space OSHA Standards (1926 or 1910)
- Recognizing permitted and non-permitted confined spaces
- Confined space program and Permitting process/Requirements
- Understanding confined space entrant, attendant, and supervisor roles and responsibilities
- Identifying hazards and potential mitigations commonly associated with Confined Spaces
- Confined space emergency response planning and rescue type
Potential Supplemental Trainings:
- Confined Space Competent Person
- Respiratory Protection/Fit testing
- CPR/AED and First Aid
- Fall Protection
- Confined Space Rescue